

The objective of this project was to create a brand identity for an up and coming Land Surveyor. The client wanted to have a brand that can be used for their print materials such as business cards and letterheads.


After speaking with the client and getting an alignment for what he wanted for the project deliverables. I began to research the industry to understand what Land Surveyor role is.  Essentially a Land Surveyor is a contracted worker that checks the desired land development location prior to the beginning of construction to determine whether it is or is not safe to build any infrastructure. As I continued to delve deeper into my research I looked at print material references from the industry to tailor potential creative directions for the client.


The solution for this brand identity was to keep it concise and with minimal embellishment. Since the industry is more corporate in its style having only the essential information was the ideal standard. For the typography, I used Fira sans font for the contact and services information. I used Cornerstone JF for his name. As for the color I made sure to include multiple variations to be used the black and white logo can be used for print materials for the project like letterhead, contract. As for the color version it was used to promote services with flyers, business cards, etc




Jonathan Sosa

What We Did
